Terms And Conditions


By using our app and services, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

User Eligibility

The Queue app is encouraged for users over the age of 15. While the app is open for all users, each user is responsible for maintaining and updating their own account details. We are pleased to offer our app to users at no cost.

Ownership and Trademarks

All media content, text, and graphics within the Queue app are the sole property of Queue. Users are strictly prohibited from using the Queue name and logo for any unauthorized purposes, as they are trademarked and protected.

Code of Conduct

We uphold a high standard of conduct on our platform. Users are expected to refrain from using foul language, engaging in harassment, spamming, or participating in any illegal activities. DJs must not mark paid requests as played until they have received payment. Failure to comply will result in the immediate return of funds to the Listener and a temporary restriction on the DJ's account.

Payment Processing

Queue utilizes Stripe as its payment processor and accepts a variety of payment methods, including Apple Pay, Debit, Credit, ACH, and Cashapp Pay. DJs are subject to a 20% deduction from their tip amounts, along with additional fees charged by Stripe.

Payout Procedures

DJs can choose between scheduled or manual payouts. Funds are typically available in Queue's account within 2-3 days, and DJs can request a payout accordingly. The amount requested for the payout will land in the DJ's bank account according to the timeframe reflected by Stripe, which could be anywhere from 2-3 business days. Please refer to our privacy policy for detailed information on data handling.

User Responsibilities

Users must use the Queue app responsibly and adhere to the terms outlined in this agreement. DJs are reminded to play requested songs or videos for a minimum of 20 seconds to fulfill Listener requests.

Termination and Restrictions

Queue reserves the right to terminate or restrict users who misuse the app or violate its intended use. DJs found to be dishonest in marking requests as played without actual fulfillment will face account restrictions and potential removal from the platform. Listeners will receive immediate refunds for unplayed requests.

Global Operations

While Queue operates globally, it is based in the United States. Users are expected to comply with applicable laws and regulations in their respective regions.

Updates and Modifications

Queue may update these terms periodically. Users will be notified of any changes to ensure transparency and compliance.


By using Queue, you acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions. Thank you for being part of our community!